Advertising - Whether you want to place advertising in newspapers across the state of Illinois or across the country, the Illinois Press Advertising Services (IPAS) staff can take care of your advertising needs.  IPAS has established different networks with IPA newspapers and other press associations across the country to make advertisers marketing easy, efficient and cost effective.

Illinois Press Media Monitoring - If you need to know what's going on in Illinois, you need Illinois newspapers.  There is no other source that can provide you with the in-depth statewide coverage that newspapers carry every day.

Press Release Service - IPA provides a Press Release service to Illinois Newspapers. Click here to get more information.

PressLines-Reach more than 1,700 newspaper decision makers in the quarterly publication, PressLines. Call 217-241-1700 for more information.

Capitol News Illinois-Capitol News Illinois, a news service operated by the Foundation that provides state government coverage to daily and weekly newspaper throughout the state. 

Convention-The Illinois Press Association holds an annual convention every year. 

Newspaper Contests & Awards- Annual newspaper contests, both advertising and editorial, recognize excellence among our memmbership - and give you bragging rights fo the year!  The annual awards ceremony is held in conjuction with the annual convention. 

Training Throughout the year, the Illinois Press Association offers online training, workshops and seminars on a variety of topics.

Grants & Scholarships-The Illinois Press Foundation (IPF) is dedicated to promoting and protecting free expression through educational activities that foster the practice and respect for First Amendment principles and values, to enhance the quality of services provided by newspapers to their communities, and to support reading and literacy efforts.

Legal Defense Fund - In 1993, the Illinois Press Association embarked on a bold new initiative to strengthen the future of the Illinois newspaper industry.  The mission of the Illinois Press Association Board of Directors is to promote, protect and foster Illinois newspapers by establishing the Illinois Newspaper Legal Defense Fund.

The Illinois Newspaper Legal Defense Fund will provide quality legal research, consultation and court action in cases where the outcome will affect the Illinois newspaper industry as a whole. 

The Illinois Newspaper Legal Defense Fund will address, but not be limited to, areas such as advertising, business, circulation, distribution and news-editorial.

In an increasingly litigious society it is imperative that Illinois newspapers have the support and the resources to meet future legal challenges.  The very existence of the Illinois Newspaper Legal Defense Fund will enhance the ability of the Illinois Press Association to meet those needs and to deter action which may adversely affect the newspaper industry.

The Illinois Newspaper Legal Defense Fund is a restricted fund with the Illinois Press Association and is to be used for no other purpose.